Department of Ecological Resilience and Management

The main focus of this program will be to create awareness and ‘Halt Global Warming’ with ‘Posterity Joy Consciousness.’ Children of this era did no mistake to undergo the trials confronting and threatening their future. So in their own interests they need to put out their best efforts to win the case in their favor. ‘Posterity Joy Consciousness’ is all about ensuring that future generations should not cause ruin to the environment by over consuming mindlessly. Students in schools and colleges need to become Emissaries of Joy and agents of change. They need to become aware of the climate crises and become conscious of the individual ‘carbon footprint’. Joyism aims to create a mass awareness among school children on climate change and global warming mitigation through Mass Awareness cum Certification Program. The primary aim is to substantially enhance the awareness of students on global warming and climate change and also make them think and act on mitigation modalities in their circles of influence.

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